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SPdA 18|07|18carlo cioni | nostalgia dell’energyFrom 27 July to 17 August 2018 OCRA Montalcino hosts the works of Carlo Cioni, an immersion in the senses through his artistic production arranged in cycles of interest that represent as many time periods, expression of a curious, careful and intelligently contemporary sensibility.

archos 09|04|18giorgio milesi | works, graphics, writingsFriday, April 20 at 6.30 pm, the Permanent School of Living, with the sponsorship and contribution of the Municipality of Bergamo, presents "Giorgio Milesi. works, graphics, writings" at the former Church of the Maddalena in Via Sant'Alessandro in Bergamo.

publishing 20|12|17artapp 19 | the placeThe 19th issue of ArtApp has come out: the six-monthly, directed by Edoardo Milesi, deals with the theme of The place, space of relationships and socialisations, the place of good, but also the non-place. We talk about the architect, inventor of places, and the power of the genius loci.