florence dance workshop
Registration is open for the Florence Dance Workshop 2018 by Marga Nativo. A 18-hour residential and intensive training course in classical and contemporary dance will be held in OCRA Montalcino, in the heart of Tuscany, from 29 April to 1 May. Sign up by 22 April

Classical and contemporary dance training course by Marga Nativo
OCRA Officina Creativa dell’Abitare – Montalcino (Siena)
29 April / 01 May 2018
The Florence Dance training course will be held at Ocra Montalcino, the creative workshop that offers training and educational courses of the highest international prestige in one of the most beautiful and evocative locations of Val d’Orcia.
The workshop provides lessons in classical and contemporary dance and is open to young and adult level 1 and level 2 dancers who are at least 16 years old and who want to enjoy a highly qualifying experience.
Florence Dance
The Florence Dance Centre was founded in 1987 with the aim of creating a complete multi-purpose centre for the art of dance open to a wide audience, while also offering a social and cultural point of reference. The training programme is open to everybody and includes, on the one hand, the values of the tradition of the art of dance that tend to preserve the discipline of academic classical dance, and on the other hand, the equally important values of the effective teaching of contemporary dance considered as a contemporary language. Continuous synergies with other arts, such as music, painting, photography, sculpture and prose, offer our students the opportunity to realize that tradition is preserved, while at the same time contemporary art is alive and evolving.
Florence Dance Center
Tel. 055289276 | info@florencedance.org
Scuola Permanente dell’Abitare
Tel. 035772499 | info@scuolapermanenteabitare.org
Workshop venue
OCRA Officina Creativa dell’Abitare
Via Boldrini 4, Complesso di Sant’Agostino – Montalcino (SI)
Phone +39 0577-847065 | ocra@scuolapermanenteabitare.org