ferMENTInScena 2018
theatre workshop montalcino
FerMENTInScena – Thanks to the Bertarelli Foundation and the Municipality of Montalcino, the Montalcino Theatre and the Permanent School of Living are promoting the third FerMENTInScena – Montalcino Theatre Workshop: a module of advanced training in theatre lasting 15 days and aimed at young theatre artists.

This year’s leitmotif of all training and creative workshops is HERESY. The meaning of heresy in our time will be examined in contemporary history and in the art of theatre, based on Moglio’s preaching “Pity – Grace – Beauty”. The spaces where the participants live and work during the workshop will be open to the spectators, who, in turn, will have the opportunity to live in it, thus creating the opportunity to build relationships and exchange ideas with the city through the theatre performance. The training course is divided into experimental workshops held in two different significant locations in Montalcino – OCRA spaces The Creative Workshop of Living, and the Astrusi Theatre. At the end of the workshop, the work carried out will be presented to the public.
The third FerMENTInScena – Montalcino Theatre Workshop aims to achieve again the good results of the two previous years 2016-2017 by becoming a recurring artistic event held every year during the summer and by taking roots in the local area by creating a stable theatre company that periodically stays in OCRA and gives premiere performances in Montalcino at certain specific times of the year, and then repeating them throughout national and international theatres.