dal 26|07|19 al 14|08|19
mitos | arxaiaFrom 26 July to 16 August OCRA Montalcino hosts a varied art collection that takes visitors back to ancient times, to let them go beyond the present and catch a glimpse of infinity.
dal 17|05|19 al 07|05|19
new agronomy | conventionOn 17 May 2019 a convention is held at OCRA Montalcino with the aim of reflecting on organic farming and soil fertility regeneration techniques. Vanni Ficola shares his experience with the companies in the area.
dal 07|06|19 al 26|07|19
giuseppe firenze | in the footsteps of magritteFrom 7 to 26 June 2019, a selection of works by photographer Giuseppe Firenze is on display at OCRA Montalcino. Surreal images created through a skilful use of the camera combined with a passion for graphics: a perspective on reality representing the varied world of human nature.
dal 31|05|19 al 27|06|19
john cass | ancient energyFrom 31 May to 27 June, a collection of statues by Scottish artist John Cass is on display in the cloister of the Convent of Saint Augustine in Montalcino. The statues express deep vital energy freely extracted from stones.
dal 26|04|19 al 17|05|19
sofia bracamontes | explorationFrom 26 April to 17 May 2019, a selection of works by the Mexican artist Sofia Bracamontes are on display at OCRA Montalcino. An artistic path that interprets the themes of journey, chaos and light through oil painting techniques.
dal 03|04|19 al 17|04|19
free school of nudeFrom Wednesday 3 April, a live painting and photography workshop by Alice Leonini and Giovanni Mezzedimi is held. A course that combines graphic portrait techniques with digital photography and teaches new ways of reinterpreting reality from an artistic angle.
dal 29|03|19 al 19|04|19
the scent of red#2From 29 March to 19 April 2019, installations, videos and photographs on the theme of voyeurism and exhibitionism are on display at OCRA Montalcino. A highly interactive and dynamic path of exploration involving the senses and stimulating curiosity.
dal 09|11|18 al 30|11|18
i don’t fear the black manIn November, OCRA Montalcino hosts a series of events related to the theme of migration and integration methods, with a particular focus on local issues and testimonies from nationwide renowned speakers. The aim is not only to dialogue but to act with ethics and empathy, intelligence and solidarity, to change borders into places that asylum seekers cross to enter our country as a place to stay.
dal 09|11|18 al 30|11|18
franca marini | transnational migration and immigrationAt OCRA Montalcino, Franca Marini’s installation created for the Human Rights Institute at Kean University in New York is again on display in the Cloister of St. Augustine from Friday, 9 November, on the occasion of the series of events “Non ho paura dell'uomo nero” (“I don’t fear the black man”).
dal 12|10|18 al 19|10|19
a coffee at ocra with the neighbourhoodFriday 12 and 19 October, two events bring together the inhabitants of the districts Borghetto, Pianello, Ruga and Travaglio in OCRA Montalcino. An opportunity for discussion, debate and exchange of ideas on common issues relating to the city of Montalcino.
dal 29|09|18 al 29|09|18
truth, dare, recital, letter, penalty!As part of the FerMENTInscena workshop, the Permanent School of Living and Foundation Bertarelli present Truth, Dare, RECITAL, Letter, Penalty!, a serio-comic recital by Francis Pardeilhan and Manfredi Rutelli
dal 28|09|18 al 19|10|18
rosalba parrini | art is healing poetryFrom Friday, 28 September 2018, OCRA Montalcino hosts the works of Rosalba Parrini, an artist from Siena who expresses her artistic talent through painting, drawing and poetry. She is also appreciated for having painted the Drappellone (banner) of the Palio di Siena horse race in July 2014.
dal 01|09|18 al 30|09|18
heretical words | friar giovanni moglio da montalcino (1500-1553)From Saturday 01 to Sunday 30 September 2018, Montalcino is the backdrop to a cultural, historical and artistic event focused on Fra Giovanni Moglio da Montalcino.
dal 31|08|18 al 21|09|18
christine persson | vibrationsFrom 31 August to 21 September 2018, the works of Christine Persson, a Swedish artist naturalized in Tuscany who devotes her life to art, nature and inner research, are on display at OCRA Montalcino.
dal 27|07|18 al 17|08|18
nolstalgia for energy | carlo cioniFrom 27 July to 17 August 2018, OCRA Montalcino hosts an exhibition of Carlo Cioni’s works, an immersion in the senses through his artistic creations arranged in cycles of interest, each of which represents a particular period of time and which express his artistical sensitivity mixed with curiosity, attention and contemporaneity.
dal 29|06|18 al 20|07|18
isanna generali | in piecesFrom 29 June to 20 July 2018, OCRA Montalcino hosts In Pieces, an exhibition of a collection of works by Isanna Generali. A contemporary installation that breaks everything down into pieces to raise questions, define fragments and reinterpret the assembly.
dal 01|06|18 al 22|05|18
rocco sardone | the rope, memory and modernityFrom 01 to 22 June 2018 a selection of works by artist Rocco Sardone, Apulian by birth but Sienese by adoption, are on display at OCRA Montalcino. The exhibition features a series of works related to the theme of the rope, a commonly used object that the artist interprets from different angles, memory and modernity, the leitmotif of the paintings presented.
dal 27|04|18 al 18|05|18
rikke munkholm laursen | face to faceFrom 27 April to 18 May 2018, OCRA Montalcino presents Face to Face, a collection of earth, clay and sand sculptures by Danish artist Rikke M. Laursen.
dal 20|04|18 al 06|05|18
giorgio milesi | graphic works and writingsFrom 20 April to 6 May 2018, under the patronage and with the contribution of the Municipality of Bergamo, the Permanent School of Living presents “Giorgio Milesi. Graphic Works and Writings”, a collection of zinc etchings, novels, fairy tales and stories.
dal 30|03|18 al 20|04|18
max mandel | pathsFrom 30 March to 20 April 2018, a selection of works, including unpublished ones, by photographer Max Mandel are on display at OCRA Montalcino. Scenarios characterized by great technique and deep empathy that illustrate the professional carrier of a multifaceted artist.