SPdA architecture summer school 2017
the profession of architect
From 23 to 30 July 2017, the Permanent School of Living, in collaboration with the Bertarelli Foundation, presents the Summer School 2017_THE PROFESSION OF ARCHITECT – Architecture is not taught but learnt: an intensive residential training course for 15 young future architects, a one-week full immersion to learn how to deal with the complexity of the profession through an in-depth study of humanistic culture and technical culture considered as the art of building.

Architecture is not taught but learnt
23-30 July 2017 | OCRA Montalcino
This year, the Summer School 2017 deals again with the profession of architect, and the basic assumptions of the humanistic art underlying it, while thoroughly examining the different tools necessary to implement it through the ability to distinguish between technique and technology. The ultimate goal of architecture is not only building, as architecture represents, above all, a model of critical thinking of the contemporary society in which we operate. It represents a way of thinking, observing and analysing the present in order to define, through the knowledge of history, new areas and new tools where architects can act with adequate responses to the defects of our contemporary society.
Summer School 2017 offers an immersive experience in Tuscany, between archaeology and contemporary art while also dealing with the Renaissance. During the week, activities are carried out at the following locations: Bertarelli Foundation Forum (Cinigiano – Grosseto), Complex of S. Agostino (Montalcino – Siena), Monastery of Siloe (Poggi del Sasso – Grosseto), Collemassari Winery (Cinigiano – Grosseto), Banfi Castle (Montalcino – Siena). Those taking part are not just students but actual inhabitants of OCRA The Creative Workshop of Living in Montalcino, where the students of the Summer School are accommodated. Participants thus have the opportunity to live 24 hours a day in close contact with teachers, professionals, experts and artists, while taking part in lectures, events, guided tours and workshops. An immersive experience in architecture, design and the profession of architect.
The lectures are open to the public and a request has been sent to the CNAPPC, so that members of the Professional Association of Architects attending the lectures can receive training credits.
The theme of the design workshop is: Reuse between earthquake and migration. Migration and earthquakes involve apparently different social and environmental issues, but they have in common the dramatic loss of the place linked to the identity of the affected people and to the possibility to create relationships. Through their ability to interpret feelings and dreams, architects could be able to meet the needs of affected people with a project and the relevant investment. The design workshop deals with a farm in Poggi del Sasso (Grosseto), with the aim of transforming an abandoned farm building into a place where 15 young refugee theatre students can live together, and of creating a pavilion for recreational and social activities.
The Summer School 2017 has a team of teachers composed of university lecturers, professionals and artists of international renown: Giandomenico Amendola, a urban sociologist; Suad Amiry, an architect, writer and a political and social activist; Fabrizio Franco Vittorio Arrigoni, an associate lecturer in Architectural and Urban Composition; Paolo Benanti, a lecturer in moral theology and bioethics; Denise Bresciani, an architect, artist, performer and food designer; Stefano Campana, an archaeologist; Carlo Cellamare, a lecturer in urban planning; Carlo Citter, an associate lecturer in Christian and medieval archaeology; Marta Coccoluto, an archaeologist; Giorgio De Finis, an artist and independent curator, and the curator of MAAM; Silvia De Martino, a sociologist; Franco Farinelli, the President of the Association of Italian Geographers; Giordano Gasperoni, an architect and a superintendent; Saverio Luzzi, a researcher in political society and cultures from the late middle ages to the contemporary age; Michele Manigrasso, Ph.D in architecture and urban planning; Edoardo Milesi, an architect and the Director of the Permanent School of Living; Giulia Anna Milesi, a freelance architect; Carlotta Monteverde, an art historian and a co-founder of Takeawaygallery; Marco Mulazzani, an associate lecturer in architectural history; Silvia Nessi, an architect; Carlo Pozzi, a full Professor of architectural design; Matteo Vegetti, a lecturer in cultural anthropology and forms of living; Edoardo Zanchini, the national Vice-president of Legambiente.
SPdA Summer School 2017
The profession of architect_Architecture is not taught but learned
23/30 July 2017
OCRA Via Boldrini 4 Montalcino
Organization: Permanent School of Living
Director: Edoardo Milesi